So~ Finally came the time I had to make a portfolio in order to caditate to Tartu Kõrgem Kunstikool (Tartu Higher Artschool? :D) I wanted to continue studying at the "media and advertising art" and for that the first step was to hand in a "perfect" portfolio. Heres the process of mine~
Also, there was the evaluation criteria, what to keep in mind:
¤ Cross-compliance (format A3, pages 4-9)
¤ Presence of all the components (CV with a photo, contents, examples of arworks and /or design sketches)
¤ Personality/Style
¤ Creativity / Versatility
¤ Harmony of colors /Coloring
¤ Compositional solutions
¤ Technical solutions /Different techniques
¤ The content and format /Whole interaction
¤ Aesthetics /Correctness
The max was 10 points, tho it looks like the 10th point is missing over here. :I

As always, the most important thing before creating anything. The sketch~ :)
Hah... Didnt have any idea for the colour of the cover tho.
This was my colour swatch. Got some special carboard scraps used for mounting arworks/photos from school. c:
Luckily, got some sheets of A1 sized white cardboard from school, cut them to A2 and folded together to A3. :D Since I used a bit blunt edged craft knife and the edges came out sort of "shredded"... then decided to cut another 4cm wide strip of white adhesive paper and covered the horrible edges.
To get the width of the cover's "spine" I had to put together all the pages + the mounting carton.
Hah! Thats a lot of layers in there and considering theres only 8 pages. xD
Now then~ After a sleepless night, non existant corrections and tosens of typos, I finally got the content ready for printing. Ugh... I srsly hate my printer... It added an extra contrast and magenta layer on every gawd damn pic, that they dont look anything near the originals anymore... And like that wasnt enough, it printed 15 pages for 4 hours! >:U But... I got my pages. :I
Then cut different coloured straps and tried fitting them together.
Got the main colours in place and then glued on the inward blue straps and sewed the pages together. The last time I did book binding was in 9th grade. c:
Now that all the main preparation are done, its time for the cover! Measured the damn lines one whole day and then cut out the letters with the help of a cutting mat, metal ruler and another crafting knife.
Also, got this crazy idea, that there shall be a pop-up butterfly as the contents page, the text on the wings. Used some of the letters from the cover as templates.
Almost... Done... Almost. D: My fingers were all blistered and bleeding from papercuts at this point.
But theres no turning back now!
After another sleepless night, got the wings all cut out. By now, I had glued the blue paper with text and inside pages together with the cover. Glued the butterfly with PVA inside the first pages. I wanted the wings to hold up a bit away from the cover and for that glued ^that^ kind of thingamajigs under the wings.
It didnt push away the wings as much as I wanted because of they are too big and heavy for it, but its still better than the wings sitting flat on the cover. :)
Tadah~ Fancy, eh? The only purpose for it was to get the judges excited of what might come after this.
But actually because... Im madly obsessed with butterflies. ;)
Also glued a bit wider edges over here, to make a kind of a "gap" for the butterfly.
And finally the finished thing~
CV, Achivements (all kind of competitions 1st places + a frame of the winning entries)
Drawings, Illustrations.
Traditional art, Digital art.
And thats it. Well... As much "sweat, blood and tears" I put into it, I can finally say, that this wasnt what the judges were expecting. In both good and the bad way.
Good- yea... lots of hard work and impressive content.
Bad- I crafted the damn thing. >:I
This rather shows Im a crafter and not ready for "dry text processing, animations and videos".
Hah! Go figure. :D
But at least I had fun making it. :) I just hope I can get it back now that I wasnt accepted to the school. :I
It's amazing! I love the hand crafted touch. :)
ReplyDeleteWow! Hea töö! Ma ise ka kanditeerin aasta pärast kunstikooli.. aga mitte Tartu vaid Eesti Kunstiakadeemiasse . Kas sul deviantart või ' is kasutaja on (mina olen catukas).
ReplyDeleteOhoo~ Veel üks eestlane? :D
DeleteJaa, mul on on DA kasutaja~
Wow, this is a stunning portfolio. So simple, yet I can see how much effort is put in. I wish I was so hands-on! Thanks for the inspiration ^^