This was one of my school projects. :) All the students were given a blanc plywood shield shaped pice and the task was to desing your familys "coat of arms" shield part.
This is what I did.
Its all painted with acrylics in lots of layers. ;)

As my father was born in the dragons year, my favorite fantasy creatures are dragons and it is the dragon year once again, it seemed the only logical choise that there shall be dragons on this. And gothic font. c:
First painted the squared bg part with the tube red and darker lower squares are a mix of red and black.
Second layer with burnt umber + black, diluted with water and trying to get the "aged" look. Used the acrylics as watercolours and wiped over with a tissue in the near-middle parts.
Continued in school~ :D Did the green rombs the same way as the red part before.
Now that everything in the bg is done, its finally time for the golden boarders. Also used a bit of metallic gold acrylic, but most of was done with a mix of ochre, sienna and burnt umber.
And finally covered with mat acrylic varnish.
This is going to go up on the wall in my grandmothers country house~ <3
This is SO GORGEOUS. I love the aged effect, and the green diamond pattern. So beautiful. :)